The Norfolk School Board is steadily moving forward with their plan to renovate the old Our Savior Lutheran Church located on 25st into a preschool.

And Superintendent Dr. Jami Jo Thompson wants to make sure that they are getting the most bang for their buck.

“We have basic plans ready to go and we will be taking those to bid in May,” Thompson said.

“We have the base bid then we have couple of alternates that would actually add some additional space to that building. We will bid all of those and then do as much as we can that fits within our budget.”

Keeping within the budget is going to be a lot easier after the board met with the projects architects and received some good news earlier on Monday.

“Actually what we discovered in this meeting is that they have found a new alternative to address the steeple and the roof,” said Thompson.

“Which will not only be more attractive, but save us more money in the long run as well. They are going to completely redo the roofing system rather than trying to accommodate the structure that is inside right now.”

And the good news keeps piling up as the school board and Thompson are optimistic that the project will still be completed on time.

“To this point everything is moving along very well and we are on schedule so we should be able to start on the building in September with the hopes that we will be in there with preschool in August of 2019.”