LINCOLN - The Nebraska School Activities Association has released more details about the Boys State Basketball Tournament.

Executive Director Jay Bellar says that the games will run as scheduled, but fan attendance will be limited to family members only.

School administrators will be required to provide a list of people meeting the qualifications for entry.

Attendance will be limited to the players, coaches, athletic trainers, school administrators and their immediate families.

They say immediate family includes parents, grand-parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings and other members living in the athlete’s household.

The tournament venues and game times will remain the same.


NSAA Announces State Boys Basketball Championship Plans

Lincoln, NE – March 11, 2020 – Based on the recommendations made by the Mayor’s Office of the City of Lincoln, Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department and the Nebraska Department of Education, the 2020 NSAA Boys State Basketball Championships will proceed as scheduled, but fan attendance will be limited.  The tournament venues and game times remain the same.

Attendance will be limited to the varsity players, coaches, team support personnel (athletic trainers and student managers) and school administrators of the qualifying schools and their immediate families.  Immediate family includes parents, stepparents, guardians, siblings, other members living in the athlete’s household, and grandparents.  School administrators will be required to provide a list of those persons meeting the qualifications for entry.  School administrators will be at the entrance of each venue to identify and grant entry to those persons on the list.  Those entering the venue will be required to purchase a ticket or may use previously purchased tickets or passes.  Pre-purchased online tickets will not be honored.

We regret that non-varsity boys’ basketball participants, cheerleaders, dance teams, school mascots and pep bands may not attend the games.  In addition, the US Bank Believers and Achievers award and NSAA Distinguished Service Awards will not be presented at this event but will be rescheduled.

Anyone not on the approved list who previously purchased a ticket will not be allowed entry.  Passes will not be honored including NCA Gold Card, NSAA Courtesy Passes and Lifetime passes.  This measure is to protect the health and safety of the student athletes, their families and the public at large.  

Members of the media with NSAA issued credentials will be allowed entry at all venues.  The NSAA is working with local media outlets to video stream and/or televise the games.  More information will be posted on the NSAA website as it becomes available.

This is an unprecedented event, the NSAA Board of Directors and staff understand the hardship this has created for our membership.  But we felt that our student-athletes should have the opportunity to compete while also complying with the recommendations of our local health and government officials.  We look forward to providing the best possible experience for our member schools, student-athletes and their families.

Jay Bellar

Executive Director

Nebraska School Activities Association