New Beatrice Landscaping, Along North 2nd
Fifty foot strip of green space planted, north of Gage County Historical Museum
Thursday, April 9th 2020, 6:45 AM CDT

Planting along North 2nd, in Beatrice
BEATRICE – An area that had gone neglected for years is taking shape as something much different, north of the Gage County Museum.
City public works crews have planted trees along the west side of North 2nd, between Ella and Grant Streets.
A few years back, the city bought an old salvage yard, removing junked vehicles nearby. Then, through an agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, began leasing a strip of property where old unused rails recently were torn out.
The area has since been seeded to grass and the trees went in, this week. The strip of rejuvenated property is across the street from the Homestead recreational trail, and just south of Trailhead Park.