Signing Day marks a bright future for Nebraska teens
As some may know, signing day for high school athletes this year was Wednesday, April 15 in Nebraska.
Wednesday, April 15th 2020, 6:10 PM CDT

Signing Day marks a bright future for Nebraska teens - Molly Carstens
STATEWIDE - As some may know, signing day for high school athletes this year was Wednesday, April 15 in Nebraska.
This day marks the beginning of a bright college career for these outstanding athletes and makes all of those extra hours or practice worth it.
Here are a few of Nebraska's seniors who signed on to begin a promising future.
Molly Carstens
Scotus Central Catholic - Midland University - Dance

Marcus Cave
Weeping Water - York College - Wrestling

Olivia Nall
Elkhorn Valley - Doane University - Basketball

Anden Baumann
Norfolk Senior High - Nebraska Wesleyan - Volleyball

Matthew Protzman
Norfolk Senior High - Boyce College - Soccer

Natalie Reynolds
Norfolk Senior High - Nebraska Wesleyan - Tennis

Rhianna Wilhelm
Heartland Community Schools - UNK - Volleyball

Sarah Wamsley
Sidney High - North Platte Community College - Volleyball