NOROFLK, NE - Aftershock, an afterschool program at Norfolk Public Schools is providing “Free Take Home Lab Kits” to families in the Norfolk area in an effort to keep youth engaged in hands-on and minds on learning opportunities. The team had planned to provide these kits through the end of the school year, but with recent support from various community partners, Aftershock is committed to offering high quality learning opportunities during the month of June. Pick up times will be every Thursday in June beginning June 4th 11:30-1:30 PM and 4:00-6:00PM at the Norfolk Middle School (1221 N 1st St).

Over the past couple months, Aftershock has distributed over 4,400 activities to families through a collaborative effort that has involved safely distributing kits drive thru style and delivery at doorsteps. Activities included making rubber band powered race cars, flower planting kits, pinata making crafts, geode making, and even a jitter bot! To be the first to know about what kits will be offered in June, families are encouraged to follow Aftershock’s Facebook Page:

Our capacity to continue offering these kits is only possible from the support we have received from the following:

? Daycos4Good - we received a $1,000 grant to purchase supplies

? Earl May - provided Zinnia seeds at a discounted rate

? Kruger Farms - Provided enough dirt for 500 Zinnia Flower Planting Kits

? Love Signs - did the artwork and printing of signs at a discounted rate

? Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District - provided 1,500 Ponderosa Pine Trees as part of the Tree-A-Thon

? Norfolk Daily News - Donated newspapers to be used for our pinata kits

? Norfolk Family Coalition - committed $6,000 to purchase supplies throughout the summer

? Pizza Hut (Norfolk) - Supplied us with serving cups for our nutrition lab kits

? TeacherGeek - Providing high quality curriculum and supplies at a significant discount

? Wal-Mart (Norfolk) - donated bags for the kits to go into and a $250 gift card to purchase supplies