News release:

(COLUMBUS, Neb.) – Community members who are asymptomatic but would like a test for COVID-19 should register for testing through

Test Nebraska is a new initiative created in partnership with state leaders and private corporations. Its goal is to dramatically increase the rate of COVID-19 testing to get a better understanding of the COVID-19 situation in Nebraska.

In addition to social distancing, widespread testing is a proven, effective way to combat the spread of COVID-19. Testing can help track the spread of the virus and contain it to help find a cure and save lives.

To get tested through Test Nebraska, people should visit where they will complete an assessment to determine their risk. This assessment will provide the Nebraska State Health Department and government leaders with more information on the state’s collective health.

From there, testing will be made available for people who currently have symptoms, have interacted with people who have already tested positive or have recently visited places were COVID-19 is widespread. People who are prioritized for testing will receive an appointment to be tested at a drive-through Test Nebraska location.

Individuals who have tested positive will then answer questions on who they have been in contact with and where they have traveled. This will help give a better picture of COVID-19 in Nebraska and where more testing and resources are needed.

Test Nebraska drive-through locations can accommodate 3,000 tests a day. They can be deployed in less than 24 hours and are set up where they are needed most, based on demand and disease spread. Nebraska National Guard mobile testing teams are the supporting COVID-19 testing locations.

As of Monday, May 4, more than 137,000 assessments were completed on and testing locations had been set up in Grand Island and Omaha. Mobile testing locations will continue to be deployed to other Nebraska communities including Schuyler, NE this week.

Test Nebraska is a three-part program designed to help state officials understand the health of Nebraskans, expand testing capacity and inform people who are affected.

Assessments are available in English and Spanish. For the assessment in English, use For the assessment in Spanish, use For more information on Test Nebraska, visit