Four new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Scotts Bluff County
Panhandle Public Health Unified Command confirms four new cases in the region. All of the cases are in Scotts Bluff County and the details are as follows:
Teenager - Close Contact
Woman in her 30s - Close Contact
Woman in her 70s - Travel-Related
Woman in her 70s - Unknown/investigation pending
Exposure is defined as at least 15 minutes, less than six feet apart. There are no community exposure sites identified. The investigations are complete, all close contacts will be quarantined and actively monitored twice daily for fever and respiratory symptoms by public health officials.
Two more cases have recovered from Scotts Bluff County bringing the total recoveries to 90.
COVID-19 testing is now available at Community Action Health Center Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 7a-8a. Testing is open to those that are symptomatic. Sign up here.
Breakdown by County:
• Banner County: 1 case (active)
• Box Butte County: 3 cases (1 active, 2 recovered)
• Cheyenne County: 11 cases (2 active, 9 recovered)
• Dawes County: 1 case (recovered)
• Garden County: 4 cases (active)
• Kimball County: 10 cases (10 recovered)
• Morrill County: 11 cases (1 active, 10 recovered)
• Scotts Bluff County: 148 Cases (90 active, 58 recovered)
Total: 189 cases (99 active, 90 recovered, 3,867)