Panhandle Health officials confirm 19 new cases in region Monday
There are 19 new cases of COVID-19 in the Panhandle, public health officials confirmed Monday.
Most of the new cases are in Morrill County, where 11 cases were announced. Five of these cases are considered community spread, meaning health officials could not determine where or when the person contracted the virus.
Another three of the cases are considered close contacts of previously confirmed cases. Contact investigations are ongoing for the remaining Morrill County cases.
In the last five days, 22 cases have been confirmed in Morrill County. In the two months before that, there were only 14 positive tests in the county.
Of the other cases announced Monday, five are in Scotts Bluff County. Four are close contacts and one is considered community spread.
Two cases are in Sheridan County. One has been determined to be a close contact. The other case is still under investigation.
The final case announced Monday is from Cheyenne County. The investigation into this case is still ongoing.
Fifteen more recoveries were announced by public health officials Monday. Three are in Morrill County and the other 12 are from Scotts Bluff County.
Breakdown by County:
Banner: 1 case (recovered)
Box Butte: 3 cases (recovered)
Cheyenne: 20 cases (7 active, 13 recovered)
Dawes: 2 cases (recovered)
Garden: 4 cases (recovered)
Kimball: 11 cases (1 active, 10 recovered)
Morrill: 36 cases (22 active, 14 recovered)
Scotts Bluff: 211 cases (76 active, 136 recovered, 3 deaths)
Sheridan: 4 cases (active)
Sioux: 6 cases (4 active, 2 recovered)
Totals: 298 cases (110 active, 185 recovered, 3 deaths, 5,302 tests conducted)