FAIRBURY- Following a severe shortage of blood, the Red Cross is coming to Fairbury and Wymore and welcoming all types of blood donors.

The Bloodmobile will be at the Fairbury Elks Club on Tuesday. It is coming to the Wymore Community Center on Wednesday.

A blood donor card or driver’s license is required at check-in. Walk-ins are welcome but the bloodmobile encourages people to make appointments.

Organizers are asking people to wear face coverings. If a donor does not have a mask the Red Cross will provide them. The Red Cross says that people not wanting to wear a mask have to postpone their donation for a later date.

Starting June 15th, the Red Cross will begin testing blood for COVID-19 antibodies.

For appointments at Wymore call Peggy Shores at (402)-806-2689. For appointmenst at Fairbury call Cheryl Seachord at (402) 729-259.