Sentencings Rescheduled, After Gage County Defendants Miss Pre-sentence Investigations

BEATRICE - Three defendants scheduled to be sentenced Thursday afternoon in Gage County District Court all failed to comply with pre-sentence investigations, and two of them have now been jailed. James Orton was convicted of a felony drug possession …
"I've got better things to do than wait for people to show up for probation to see if they want the privilege of maybe a term of probation. They should show up, when I order". Gage County District Judge Rick Schreiner revoked Orton's bond, ordering him to county jail until the pre-sentence investigation can be completed....and set a new sentencing date for August 13th.
The judge gave Orton's wife, Ashly Orton one week to comply with finishing a pre-sentence investigation with state probation, that was ordered last May 20th. She's been convicted of attempted possession of methamphetamine.
"You're record is significantly different, from your husbands.......(Ashley Orton)...."He's a good man".....(Schreiner)...."He's also a convicted felon who has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison on two occasions....and violated my order, as you did". A new sentencing date of August 13th was scheduled.

In a third case, Judge Schreiner ordered Jessica Lindblad to Gage County Jail and revoked her bond for failing to complete a previously ordered presentence investigation. She's been convicted of two felony drug possession counts in two separate cases. Judge Schreiner said he's been dealing with those matters for about two years, now.
"What's become clear is...she does not want to deal with the reality of either of these cases. CR-19-127 has been on file for 392 days and it was like pulling teeth to get her into this courtroom to deal with this. CR-18-216...same thing....580 days, and it's been like pulling teeth to get her in her to make a decision and do anything. She has pleaded guilty to two class four felonies....and I will no longer spend time, pulling teeth".
Lindblad's new sentencing date has been sent for September 3rd.