Columbus High School Announces Fall Sports Protocol

COLUMBUS - With the start of the fall sports season underway, Columbus High School has released its protocol for activities for the fall.
To meet current DHM requirements, CHS will be limiting the general public attendance for football and volleyball events to four tickets per participant family. This will also include parents of band, cheer, and diamond dancers.
Columbus Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Troy Loeffelholz said in a statement, "It is of the utmost importance that our students, staff, and community follow these guidelines. We want our students to experience all of the great things about activities at Columbus Public Schools. If we cannot do these things, then we cannot guarantee a full season of competitions or performances. We all need to do our part to mitigate the chances of contracting symptoms or the virus itself."
All spectators for all events are asked to self-screen and take then temperature at home prior to the event, and will be required to wear a mask at all times. Spectators will also be required to sign a waiver, and are asked to respect physical distancing with players and coaches throughout and following the contest.