BEATRICE – Beatrice Public School officials say they are increasing the number of temperature checks of students and staff to try to identify coronavirus symptoms sooner.

District 15 officials are also asking parents to monitor their child’s health at home and keep them home, if they display any of the symptoms of the virus.

Beatrice Public School Buildings continue to operate at a tier-two level, with students taking classes in buildings.  The one exception is Lincoln Elementary School, which officials closed until September 2nd, after several coronavirus cases were detected in staff members.

School officials say remote learning is a way to slow the spread of the virus, but that the goal is to keep kids safely learning in school buildings.

The Beatrice Public School Covid-19 dashboard shows eight active virus cases involving Lincoln Elementary, and three at Beatrice High School.

Any quarantine cases are upon order from Public Health Solutions Health District.  The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services indicates there are now 118 confirmed Covid-19 cases from Gage County.