NEBRASKA CITY-These are results of the speech team from this past weekend: 
The team placed 3rd place as a team overall at the David City Aquinas invite, with Malcolm being the team champion and Columbus Scotus being the runner-up team in sweepstakes.
Individual Results:   
Ellie Higgins--1st place in poetry, humorous, and serious prose (what I personally like to call the "Triple Crown")

Lillian Frields, Christian Tietz, Eric Poggemeyer, Caleb Poggemeyer, & Eli McNeely--5th place in O.I.D.

Lillian Frields & Christian--4th in duet acting

Dalton Cooper & Katie Dia--6th in duet acting

Isabelle Bare--5th place in extemporaneous

Eli McNeely--9th place in extemporaneous (3rd in honors finals)

Sydney Blum--8th place in informative (2nd in honors finals)

Kelly Gonzalez--8th place in persuasive (2nd in honors finals)

Jacob Cooper--10th place in persuasive (4th in honors finals)

Additionally, the team submitted two recorded videos of our group events to be judged at the Lincoln East meet which resulted in the OID group earning 3rd place in honors finals, and Lillian and Christian earned 5th place in honors duet finals.