Fortenberry among those evacuated after shots fired at funeral for Moïse

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, part of an American delegation at the funeral of recently assassinated Haitian president Jovenel Moïse, was among those evacuated after shots were fired on Friday.
The shootings occurred around 10:00 a.m. and prompted the U.S. delegation to the funeral, headed by the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, to cut its visit short. Moments later the United Nations special representative to Haiti, Helen La Lime, left with her entourage as well.
Fortenberry, who is now back on American soil, shared his account of the events on social media Friday afternoon. Fortenberry represents Nebraska's first district, having served in Congress since 2005.
Moïse, who was assassinated in his home earlier this month, was eventually laid to rest Friday afternoon.
More than 20 people have have been arrested in the plot to kill Moïse, but Haiti National Police have yet identify those responsible for the assassination.