Adams Industries liquid fertilizer plant taking shape
SIDNEY -- In August 2023, Adams Industries announced a partnership with Simplot to build a new liquid fertilizer plant northwest of Sidney.
Today, Adams Industries officials unveiled progress of the facility.
In the August 2023 press release, Adams Industries personnel said the fertilizer facility is expected to be operational by Spring 2024.
The total footprint of the new facility is estimated at five acres.
The facility will have Adams personnel and Simplot personnel.
Adams Industries announced today their excitement in the latest progress on the state-of-the-art liquid fertilizer facility being built at our corporate terminal.
Contractors and construction workers are hard at work with construction in full swing. Foundations are complete and buildings are erected. Crews will complete construction of the last tank next week, the railcar fall protection platform will be completed in the next couple of weeks and plumbers and electricians are hard at work linking all of the infrastructure together.
Once operational, this 24/7 facility will be capable of loading out each tanker truck in just seven minutes.